Saturday 15 January 2011

Asset Management Solution for Service Manager 2010

Since I've just put this into our production environment I thought now would be a good time to share this with the world too.

I've posted before about this solution so I won't spend time going over old ground.

You can find the files here:

I've included both the sealed MP's in a "Ready to Import" folder than can be imported straight away into Service Manager for testing and the unsealed xml so that you can see how it's all strung together.

Please read the documentation included in the zip file, before blindly importing.

It's been designed around UK Local Government, so won't fit every environment out-of-the-box but should be very easy to adapt.

If you are adapting it, please remember that if the original MP is sealed, then your customised version will need re-sealing.  If you do this, you'll also need to re-alter all the public keys used in the references in the other MPs.  Short and sweet... reseal ALL the MP's using your own key if you modify it.

If anyone does have any comments, suggestions, etc etc then please please please feed them back to me.  The more people that look at it the more likely someone is to spot something I missed/did wrong.

Also, if you do extend it further, please let me know as it could be useful within my environment too.

There's a known issues section at the end of the documentation file in the package, please read that section and see if there's anything you can help with.  I'll be enternally greatfull if there is!

** Disclaimers **
This is the first release, and may very likely have some issues.
Please test this in a non-live environment first, and don't shout at me if it breaks anything.
This comes with no warranty, expressed or implied.


Unknown said...

Wow nice job - I am very keen to implement this in a sand box environment before I put it into production...It looks very good.

Will you consider making all management pack dependencies unsealed so that we may customize them for our business needs? (Full source files?)

Thanks and Regards,


Steve Beaumont said...

Hi Patrick,
Unfortunately it's a hard and fast requirement of Service Manager 2010 that MP's that are referenced by others are sealed.

However, I’ve included all of the unsealed xml in the zip that you download so you can customise it to your heart’s content, you just need to reseal those that need it after you've made the changes.

Read the included documentation as that will explain which need sealing and which don't.


Unknown said...

Hey, thanks Stevy - you've done what looks like a very good job with this!!
I'll try implement it later on this month!


Patrick S

Anonymous said...

great job

Zorro said...

Hi! congratulations! Great Jobs! I want to import into my enviroment test and i`m following the order in the doc but i can´t. The error message is "Could not load management pack [ID=AssetManagementLists, KeyToken=0a39b272096917b0, Version=]. The management pack was not found in the store."
Can you help me? Thanks.

Steve Beaumont said...

Hi Zorro/Guido,
You need to Import the first before any of the others (the clue is in the error message).

Also, make sure you use this updated version, not the link in the above post.


James said...

Dude, this is seriously some good work :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Steve,

Are the files still available, as the download link isn't working.

Many thanks,

Steve Beaumont said...

Hi Sara,
This is an old post, check out the updated version here:


Hiren said...

Great Jobs!

I want to import into my enviroment and i`m following the order in the doc but i can´t. The error message is "Could not load management pack [ID=AssetManagementLists, KeyToken=0a39b272096917b0, Version=]. The management pack was not found in the store."

I've already Imported AssetManagementList MP.

Can you help me? Thanks

ErikS said...

Hi Steve,

excellent work on this MP, keep up the good work.

I have it working on SM2010, and are looking on moving forward to SM2012, but I have some difficulty adding custom entries in the Lists\Manufacturer and Model

It gives me the following error:
Cannot modify a sealed management pack. [ID=AssetManagementLists, KeyToken=0a39b272096917b0]

This makes sense, as it is a sealed management pack, but no matter what management pack I select as a destination, it will try to write it to the sealed MP.

Is this a issue caused by SM2012?

Is there a way to force it use the selected MP, instead of itself?



Steve Beaumont said...

Hi Erik,
You're absolutely right, I just replicated the issue.

This is strange as I was running a slightly newer version that I've not yet released and that worked fine. It was only when I removed it and went back to the older version that I hit this problem.

I'll look into it and get back to you.

Anonymous said...

Any news about this problem or is a fixed version available? I have still the same problem that I can't modify some entrys in the list due the problem that the mgmt pack is sealed...
Any Idea how can I fix this? Iam using SCSM2012

thanks a lot


Anonymous said...

Any more news on the updated version, as I too have the issue of being unable to add to a list in SCSM 2012 as "Cannot modify a sealed management pack. [ID=AssetManagementLists" even though I choose to save to a unsealed MP.

Anonymous said...

Hi Stevy,

Any news on the fix for the List problem with SCSM

Erik Sprikkelman said...

When using this management pack with SM2012 or SM2012SP1, it works up until the the point where you want to edit the AssetManagementLists.

When doing so, it will popup with an error:
Cannot modify a sealed management pack. [ID=AssetManagementLists, KeyToken=0a39b272096917b0]

This makes sense, as it is a sealed management pack, but no matter what management pack you select as a destination,
it will try to write it to the sealed MP.

Hopefully, Steve can provide an fix for this issue.

Editing items through the SM Console throws the error shown above,
but there is a way to get around this using PowerShell:

1. Install SCSM PowerShell Cmdlets

2. Use the PS statements below to add the AssetManagementLists

$mp = Get-SCSMManagementPack AssetManagementManufacturerAndModelList
$parentEnum = Get-SCSMEnumeration AssetManagementManufacturerAndModel.Enum

Add-SCSMEnumeration -Parent $parentEnum -ManagementPack $mp `
-Name AssetManagementManufacturerAndModel.HP.Enum `
-DisplayName "HP" `
-Ordinal 5

$parentEnum = Get-SCSMEnumeration AssetManagementManufacturerAndModel.HP.Enum

Add-SCSMEnumeration -Parent $parentEnum -ManagementPack $mp `
-Name AssetManagementManufacturerAndModel.HP.ProLiant_Series.Enum `
-DisplayName "ProLiant Series" `
-Ordinal 5

$parentEnum = Get-SCSMEnumeration AssetManagementManufacturerAndModel.HP.ProLiant_Series.Enum

Add-SCSMEnumeration -Parent $parentEnum -ManagementPack $mp `
-Name AssetManagementManufacturerAndModel.HP.ProLiant_Series.DL380_G5.Enum `
-DisplayName "ProLiant DL380 G5" `
-Ordinal 5

Add-SCSMEnumeration -Parent $parentEnum -ManagementPack $mp `
-Name AssetManagementManufacturerAndModel.HP.ProLiant_Series.DL380_G6.Enum `
-DisplayName "ProLiant DL380 G6" `
-Ordinal 10

** The Ordinal value is meant for ordering Items.

You can also edit items you put in the unsealed management pack using the statements above, it will overwrite entries with similar Name

Hope this will help people to continue using this fantastic management pack.



Anonymous said...

Hi SB,

I try to download the files, but is appears it is no longer available. Is it possible if you can check the link and re-upload the files?

Many thanks for your hard work!

Anonymous said...


Is it possible to add/delete/modified items in the AssetManagementLists.xml ?

For example, using the unsealed management packs, i added "Laptop" under peripheral and resealed all the management packs and imported it into service manager.

When i try and create a new peripheral i get a long lists of errors but the main one i can pick out is "ManagementPackEnumeration with ID was not found"

Any help or advice is much appreciated.


Anonymous said...

Nice job but I cannot download the needed files

Please Help.

Thanks and Regards


Steve Beaumont said...

This is an old post, check out the updated version here:

You can also go direct to the TechNet Gallery to find the files.

Aishwarya said...

This idea is mind blowing. I think everyone should know such information like you have described on this post. Thank you for sharing this explanation.Your final conclusion was good. We are sowing seeds and need to be patiently wait till it blossoms.
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